The term Vertical Garden lately started hot issue, this is due to limited land or insufficient land in the area behind the house. If we are searching in Google with keywords vertical garden, it would appear so many tips and tricks How to Design a Vertical Garden To Land Limited.
Limited space is not the bottleneck created multifarious creations are comfortable and beautiful gardens. Apartments, offices, or homes that do not have sufficient page can still have a fresh environment, comfortable, and clean. Vertical garden is the solution.
The more limited residential land was not only raises the concept of vertical housing or flats or apartments, but also an impact on the design of the park. Now the presence of the concept of the vertical garden can be an alternative choice in homes with small farms.
There are many advantages to be gained from the garden elongated upwards. One of them, according to an architect, which is used as a green curtain to give privacy to the occupants or the shade.
In addition, the vertical garden is also useful to retain heat from the outside, reducing noise levels, reducing air pollution, captures dirt particles, reducing the effects of rain splashed and improving oxygen supply.
The selected plant species is one of the factors that affect the beauty of the park. Therefore you must choose the right type of plant for a vertical garden. The architects added a common plant used in a vertical garden are types that have shallow roots and are not destructive.
Plants that meets these requirements is the grass and ground cover plants (ground cover). Some ground cover that are often used include red purslane (Alternanthera parony), chives mini, Fittonia albivensis, Singonium podophyllum (taro), asparagus.
To guard its beauty, vertical gardens also need to be treated. Primary care needs to be done is watering. Watering should be done regularly, at least 2 times a day, morning and evening. Of course, this treatment is not difficult.
so how to design a limited land to be used as a vertical garden, good luck and let's be creative.
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